Monday, November 26, 2007

Planning is EVERYTHING

Fastest way for a perfectly good plan to crash…. Poor planning.

The entire key to being able to successfully remain ‘sugar-free’ is good planning. Thanksgiving Day came and went with very little problem. I did have my treat and enjoyed a nice glass of wine but did not struggle much with the holiday goodies. I set at a table full of temptations and felt in control. This was a welcomed surprise.

Friday arrives and Scott and I began the Christmas decorating and cleaning marathon that lasted about 10 hours. Breakfast happened and the day started off fine. Hours later I ate an apple with peanut butter on the run. This was my poor attempt at my lunch. Snacks never happened much less I stayed so busy I never really had much water to speak of. By the time dinner time arrived our youngest was starving and Scott and I were beyond exhausted. Too tired to think clearly I recommend ordering a pizza and 35 minutes later it arrived hot and ready to eat. Two slices later I was on the couch disgusted at my poor planning. Saturdays run was not good at all and after 3 miles I was headed to the bathroom for you guessed it. Greasy pizza… not good.

So yesterday was a new day. Better planning and a better workout. Still did not take in the water I should have but honestly anything was better than the days before.

Lesson learned: Planning is everything!! It blocks any crashes that are sure to follow.



David said...

When broken down, it's amazing how many factors go into running performance. And nutrition starts days ahead of time, not that morning like many assume. Great job on avoiding the sweets, but sucks that you had to make a pizza delivery after the run. I suppose I can consider myself fortunate that I don't suffer that very often.

Yay Tigers!!

zanne said...

it is amazing now that we've made these changes, to see how it affects us negatively when we 'fall off the wagon'!! but i am excited to finally be making the connections. we're not perfect ... bound to fall back a bit - the planning thing is tough -i had a day like that too ... lots of errands & i realized i didn't really bring any food with me - nor did i have time to eat anything really good when i was home - resulted in never catching up on filling that tank back up & i just kept running. made for a pretty bad week! hoping this week is better! i'm feeling pretty good.

Marcy said...

Next time send that baby over my way!! I'm all about the greasy pizza :P And I'm SURE that's probably why I feel like a load every day I go out to run :-X

Lori said...

I am completely confident that I could be the picture of perfect health if I had a personal chef and trainer :X Planning is not something I am good at, unless it is for the kids. Then, I'm all about it. But thinking of myself? Not so much. Stupid.

Wes said...

To be honest, that's what makes this fun. Planning. Keep trying new stuff until you get it the way you like it! I can eat just about anything before I run. Months of Mexican food before I ran can attest to the at :-O

J~Mom said...

Well you did great avoiding the sweets!! I totally agree about planning, it gets me every time!

jen said...

Well, great job on getting through Thanksgiving! That could have been very hard but your planning paid off. You'll get the hang of it! Keep up the good work! :)

Anonymous said...

don't you feel like all that junk stuff doesn't taste that great anymore? i made a similar experience, ate a pizza and felt so sick afterwards.good lesson. even coffee tastes really bad now!

I plan my food intake in the am now for the whole day. this way I can commit to it.

so glad you are with me on that ride. but be careful I can talk about this stuff endlessly!

Keep it up:-)

RunBubbaRun said...

Very few people can resist pizza, I know I can't.. But at least you got through most of the holiday plan intact...

So here's to a new day and new plan of attack. Might have lost the battle but doing great at winning the war..

Keep at it..

David said...

There's an article in the new issue of Bicycling that you may want to check out. It addresses absorption and use of sugars (all types) during exercise when the digestive system is a bit stunted. It even states that excesses can cause issues that you describe having in your long runs.

Overpronator said...

Mmmmm ... greasy pizza ...

I mean ... you're absolutely right, planning IS everything.

So I guess don't plan on running after having had a slice or two of greasy, greasy pizza?


There is a bit of truth in that little joke though. During my ten week sugar purge (which not only did wonders for my fitness goals, but I lost a bunch of fat pounds while gaining a lot of lean muscle mass), my nutrionist ordered me to have one free meal a week. That one meal, I can do whatever I wanted.

I mean WHATEVER I wanted. And then it was back to lean meats, piles of salad and veggies, and a touch of complex carbohydrates (holy goodness, that man is a huge fan of yams) to be washed down with a lot of water ... more than 64 ounces per day to be exact.

I think I should probably start that little program up again. Maybe for cyber solidarity purposes?