How can one post about such an experience? If only the thoughts captured on the many miles of the race course could somehow be put into words now as I type this you would see a small piece of an amazing event.
I AM AN MMTR FINISHER!!!! 54 MILES in 11:25:08
Has it sunk Am I hurting... not near as much as I thought following such a nasty, challenging course.
The race began right on time at 6:30 am Saturday morning with temps somewhere in the low 40's. Over 230 runners with headlamps and flashlights toed the line and off we went.
For the most part the miles were a blur. I never knew where I was in the overall distance expect for the 26 mile point. As I approached each aid station I had one goal... keep moving. Scott and Jackie were quick to ask what I needed and quick to get me moving again. They truly rocked!! My energy stayed level and consistent the entire race. I never reached the "wall" and was thrilled to not "bonk" on the course.
Coming into the 26 mile point
There were sections that would climb for a solid 1.5 miles to then wind down another stretch only to start the climb all over again. At mile 33 Jackie jumped in and would pace me to the finish. How can I even express how grateful I am to her?!! She gave up her entire weekend to support my goal.
On the second half of the course we had what was one of the nastiest climbs of all. It was as if someone created this brutal climb and just for fun added lots of rocks and leaves only slowing you down for fear of falling off of the mountain! Many people began to checkout at this stage in the race.
As we passed the last aid station I began to cry. It was at that moment that I knew I had achieved something that was bigger than me. Maybe that is was drives me and makes me a stronger person. My body went for over 11 hours of constant movement and not once did I want to give up on myself. I ran my race!
Amazing how I felt once I finished... I could stand on my own :)
At the finish I was greeted by the race director and given my finishers shirt. Scott hugged me and we shared in the emotions of the entire day. His support in all that I do makes the finish even sweeter.
A HUGE thanks to all of your awesome comments and emails! It is a truly amazing feeling to know you are supported and cheered on by so many. A shout out to Rick and Tammy Gray for cheering me on at my final 1 mile the race. Rick ran an impressive race himself and no matter what point I saw Tammy in the race she had such a wonderful smile as she cheered us all on.
Another goal checked off my list. :)
omg ... Robin - am so excited for you! what an awesome day! you were so ready for it and i am over the moon for you that it went so well! congratulations!!!!
You are amazing. The smile on your face at the end says it all. You trained well and were dedicated. I am so happy for you. You accomplished something huge.
Way to freaking go! What a great race. I can't imagine running more than 2 marathons!
Congrats:) Don't let that smile fade away. Recover well:)
Fantastic! I love that picture w/you & the beer!
Robin I knew you could do it! Remember thats what friends are support one another. You rock. What a great weekend! Chocolate chip cookies...I can't wait.
I thought of you on saturday. It was just clear you would make this. Reading your words I almost started to cry. This feeling cannot be replaced with any thing other than what it is - what ever it is!!!!
Congratulations. You look so fresh after your race!
I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You have an unbelievable ability that when you put your mind to something, you "tap in mentally" like no other. I love you will all my heart... "WHEN I FIRST SAW YOU I FELL IN LOVE, AND YOU SMILED BECUASE YOU KNEW".
WHOOOAAA MOMMA!! CONGRATS!! You did a fabulous chica!! Absolutely fabulous! Now go grab a seat by Wes and enjoy a keg ;-) You deserve it baby!!
Ahhhh, I am crying for you! You did it! YEA!! I knew you could! You must be elated! And you and your friend look TINY!! Big congrats! Now, you know you wanna do a full 100m one now, right?
Awesome job! I knew you could do it, and you did it in a great time, too! Rest up and recover have earned it!
Is that what it's all about?
If not it just one really good reason to press on.
Your hard work proved out. Congratulations!
So where do you "Gotta Run" next? Don't listen to Judi. She's a bad bad person trying to tempt you with a 100 miler. Judi how could you? I hear Vermont 100 is a nice race. I mean, you know, if you were interested or something. :-D
Wow! Robin you are truly awesome. Congrats on an inspiring and incredible accomplishment. Reading your report and looking the great pics makes me smile. Rest, recover and revel in your well deserved success.
Wow, I am truly at a loss of words. Your energy and passion to complete this task has really been an inspiration for a new runner like myself. I have so much that I can learn from you and your experiences, but mostly I hope that somewhere deep inside I'm able to draw upon the inner strength and desire that you have in abundance. Congrats on a truly magnificent life accomplishment. This one deserves a HUGE checkmark!
I can't even picture running that far. Amazing!
You are amazing and inspiring. I'm so happy that it went well for you - you worked hard for it! Congrats on such a great the pictures :)
WOW - you are SO amazing and inspiring... this brought tears to my eyes. CONGRATS on achieving such an amazing accomplishment!!!
Congratulations! What an amazing feat of running. What's next?
Man, I cannot imagine running for over 11 hours, let alone on a course as tough as that one. You look great after your race and are an inspiration!
Yay Robin!!! That is awesome!! Congrats on the finish!!
My dearest Robin... You are BIGGER by far than MMTR. (hey that rhymes :-) This weekend keeps getting better and better. Unbelievable. Kudos to Scott and Jackie. Sherpas are the best!!!
Big hugs and congrats to you girl. I'm looking forward to doing my first Ultra next year. Team Bob dead ahead!!! Woo hoo!!
50 miles! Great job!
Robin "Blackburn"!!?? Janis and I almost died when we didn't find your name in the results yesterday. Congratulations!!...whatever your real name is ;-) I can't wait to hear all about at AND what's next.
Very inspirational, and Very Tough.
I knew you would do it.
Looks like you at least had a "good" beer after the race.
Congrats!! That is awesome! Super sweet victory beer too.
Woohoo! You are awesome! I am so proud of you, girlfriend! We knew that you could do it! Glad that it's over, and you can least for 2 or 3 days before you get going again!! Talk to you later!
Love ya,
Not just an MMTR finsiher..A mountain ultraRunner in my book.
Congrats. Very special feeling indeed. You came back and kick some Ultra ASS..
Oh my gosh! What an accomplishment! Congratulations!
AMAZING! I can hardly comprehend what you've just accomplished. Enjoy your victory!
Big Hoooya, from Team Dirty Feet.
Congrats Robin on completing such a big race! You were very much so ready for it and you proved it with such a great job! Congrats!
Robin, I am just now getting to catching up on my reading. Masochist is always a memorable experience and you survived and achieved your goal. Tammy and I are so proud of you. You set your mind to finish this run. You survived and have had wonderful words to say about the race. That is the mark of a great race. It is funny how pain can become something that is rewarding. It is always a thrill for Tammy and I to cheer on such a happy, friendly and outgoing person as you. Hopefully we will see you soon at the Gobbler on November 29th. Rick
I am so proud of you and it was a pleasure cheering you on. Hope to see you out on the trail soon.
Tammy Gray
Oh, Robin! My comment is late b/c I read the first paragraph and then collapsed... 54 miles!!!!
I am so freakin' proud, happy, elated (insert every positive exclamatory word you can think of here).
You are truly an amazing athlete!!! Big 'ole congratulations to ya!
WOW!! That's AMAZING!! Congrats on a great day!!
Now, rest up!!
YAY!! You did it! What a great accomplishment, and such an inspiration. Love the pics. :)
Wow, congratulations - that's awesome. Do you wear a Garmin? I would love to know how many calories it said you burned for running something like that (can't imagine!).
I was getting all teary myself!!! SO happy for you and this huge accomplishment!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!
This is so amazing! Congratulations! Scott looks so proud of you.
Awesome job.
I can totally relate to the emotions that overtook you towards the end. I think that's why I love endurance sports because no one can take away the accomplishment that you feel when you cross the finish line.
You rock! What's your next goal?
OMG congrats, sorry i'm late to join the party, but WOW
Such an amazing feat!! Congrats on finishing one heckiva tough race. Wea ll knew you could do it
I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!
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