I am somewhat lost at what direction I will take following this event. I do know that I will taper back the miles for November and December and enjoy some good family time. Normally I always have a new goal in mind. Something in the distance that keeps my focus and training on track. Right now I am blank at what would be next but I am certain that it will include trail running and road cycling. Last night at the gym I signed up for a body assessment following the race. Maybe once that takes place I will have a better plan.
This weekend my husband is joining me on a 10 mile trail run. How nice does that sound? Both the 10 miles and having my husband with me. The weather should be perfect!! Sunday is 6 miles. Should have plenty of time to relax and maybe take in a good movie.
Thank you all for your awesome comments during all of this training. How great is it to share it with others that dream as much as I do. What a way to live!!
That IS quite a year. Have fun on the trails!!
Maybe some duathlons or tris are in our future! Have a great weekend with hubby! I'm not sure where my running will take me. I do know I've signed up for an ultra in 09 :-)
Congrats on a fabulous year!
Hello! I think I have seen your comments on others' blogs. Good luck on your race next week! That's a long way, but it sounds like you are ready. If you want a nice trail run, 50 mile or marathon, check out the North Country Trail Run in Manistee, MI.
Body assessment? That sounds pretty darn scary if you ask me. Do they pull out the calipers too?
GO ROBIN!! You've had a fanfreekintastic year!!! ;D ;D
You have had a heck of a year! Where do you go after an Ultra? I'm sure if anyone can figure it out, it would be you :)
And I'm with Marcy...a body assessment would scare the begeezus right out of me :X
great running year...congrats Robin!!
Now close it out with a fun FOCUSED Run next weekend, You are ready...enjoy ur weekend runs and then TAPER down, rest those legsssssssss!!
i've said this before but you seriously rock hard big time. you're awesome. a great year and you're going to kick butt next weekend. i'm getting so excited for you.
! (random exclamation mark)
Wow... what an inspiring lady you are and what a year!
(& I am so envious of you getting to run with your husband! I've got one more week until I'm reunited with mine... enjoy each other!!).
Thanks for the comments and I can believe he hasn't gotten back to you - he hasn't responded to us either!
I'm excited to read your report on the 50 miler - I'm thinking about attempting one in March. You've come a long way this year - what an inspirational story!! Good luck with the taper and the race!!
Robin, I"m so happy for you!!! you've done so good this yer and come so ery far! Look at all those miles you'v dond! You'lll figure out what ya want to do afrte the race! Have fun this weekend!!! :-)(
Enjoy your weekend with DH! Sounds so nice!! I Can't wait to see what you decide on for next year, this year has been awesome!!
Have a great run with your hubbie. That's awesome..
four marathons & one ultra? in one year!?! i'm not sure i knew that, but am now even further in awe of you. you rock ... am thinking of you in these last few days - we'll talk this week!
CFM - Constant Forward Motion
Use this as your mantra.
Any race put on by Horton is going to be a challenge. You can do it!
Michelle and I are coming East next year for the Marine Corps Marathon. Put that one on your list!
Have a great run!
Robin...54 miles...for real??? That will be sooo awesome...makes my 20 mile training run on the 3rd seem like nothing.
I'm with Marcy...if they pull out the calipers make sure the person on the other end of them knows how to use them...you don't need bruises from them!!! Spoken from experience.
Best of luck...on your race...glide your way to the finish line...see it in your mind...feel it in your body...the crowd will be there cheering you on...you can do it...
We will be expecting great race report.
Oh yes..it is great to have your spouse along on those runs...I'm expecting mine to overtake me someday on some race....
Holy SHizzzzoly. 10 months? That is just amazing!
So much in so little time, you live with such intensity. It's only a few days away, and you are ready.
Great to see you guys Saturday, and even greater for the Sox! Woo Hooo!
Kick this thing in the butt, and we'll go get all tore up at Wild Wing on wings and frosty beverages. Hell, we can make it a weekend fest!
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