To my surprise I received this month’s issue of Ultra Runner Magazine ( thanks Nick!) and was so excited to see my name in print in the mag. Even Bob’s was listed in another event for his 100 mile Ultra. I quickly called Bob and left this silly voicemail in my excitement. Seems that by seeing my name in print it somehow made it more real.
I would encourage anyone to embrace the trails. The events are like no other and those that toe the line are some of the most “real” people you could want to share the miles with. It is in the trails that I realized my real passion for running.
Last night Scott and I joined a local cycle team. TEAM HARPER
We are SUPER excited about this for so many reason.
One – It is something that we can share and do together.
Two – Team organized events to support charity organizations throughout the year.
Three – Being part of a team and group that encourages all levels of riders.
Four – Beer. Do I even need to explain this one? lol!

I still want to run an Ultra this year. I guess I better start looking for a 50K!!
Can out of state people join Team Harper? and is the beer free? LOL....
I totally agree with you about trails. They are great. The longest trail race I've run is 15k -- I used to do it every year but haven't for the past three. This year I hope to. I'm nowhere near ultra-level but I can appreciate it!
Have fun w/Team Harper!
Team Harper...hmm??? Holler at me later, chickadee!
I'm a trail virgin... but hope to change that some time soon.
Your new bike team sounds AWESOME!
Have a great weekend!
woo hoo! how fun that you've joined a team -- I love it for all the same reasons you listed, too! The beer may be my favorite reason though! hehe. I don't know what it is about cycling - I never wanted a beer as badly after a good long run as I do after a good long ride! Cool jersey too!
...and, always cool to see your name in print! :-)
Congrats on the team, your magazine fame, your charitable support, and the beer! That is awesome!
Hey, I talked to Doug this afternoon. Thanks Robin!
You are going to have a great year. Very cool that you name made in the magazine!
Oh, and I did get my run in last night and it felt wonderful! Have a great weekend.
I definitely love running trails. I think after my IM this year, I might plan an ultra for 2010
Great! Two more spandex clad bikers to add to the gangs already out on the street.
Have fun with the new group! I'm sure it will be fun getting to know all the new folks.
As you know trails are my passion but I still play in two sandboxes with the occasional road marathon. I guess your other sandbox is your bike.
Trail running is the best and beer is a near second.
We all know why you did MMTR. Who cares what those wacko "normal people" think.
Team Harper!!!! That is awesome. As far as ultra-runner, you guys are a different breed of runner that I have so much respect for. If I ever think about running an ultra, I'll come crying to you, k?
good for you, joining a cycling team. your cycling skills are going be off the hook!
what a great addition Team Harper has, way to go!
and way to get focused for what you need to do this year to rock that Iron in Nov. Great job and see u guys in April, to get some trail dust in your shoes :-)
What an AWESOME ride we had yesterday!! Thanks for sharing the route. Nice to have Scott with us for at least part of the ride. ;-)
It is pretty cool seeing your name in the UltraRunner Magazine.
yes you did finish one of "horton's" race, something to be very proud of.
I 100% agree, ultra races are the most "real" races I've done. you can't beat the Great people there.
Indeed, cycling has really helped bring my husband and I much closer together. Great to hear both you and Scott are on the team!
Very cool getting into Ultrarunner. I'm in one from last year. Even cooler that you got into the one that Bob is also in.
Even that I have run long distance races, I still think twice about it before I sign up. It's always the after-effect that's intriguing. I'm about the sign up for my longest ever, but I still need to double check with myself and play with the thought for a bit.
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