Last night my husband joined me for some trail running at a local College following work. Not far into the run I just about stepped on a snake that was about 15 inches in length. As we started running again we had gotten maybe another 200 yards down the trail and there was another one but only this one was about a yard stick in length. Not good. Both times I was less than an inch from stepping on it. After some freaking out and then some laughs we headed to another section of trails that appeared to be snake free. It was a good run but very humid!! My legs are still heavy and weak from the marathon this past weekend. Kind of surprised about that. Managed between 10-11 miles and then enjoyed a sandwich with my hubby at ABC Bread Company before heading home for a nice hot bath.
This week I have been off on my nutrition. Really craving junk but trying to limit my intake. I know I am running a ton so I am not worried about gaining weight from my bad choices but I know that junk in is simply junk out. With that said the candy I am eating right now will have to be my last for a while. Halloween kills me every year. I am just so weak!!
So this weekend we have 16 miles on the trail tomorrow and then 10 on the trails for Sunday.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ouch! Watch your step or you could be on for sssssssssurprise :-) Good thing snakes are more scared of us. I would just hate to get bitten defensively by some snag toothed reptile...
Funny how all that junk is full of carbs, which I'm sure your body is craving after the marathon.
You are surprised that your legs are a little heavy after last weekend? You crack me up. That's some high mileage, Girlie. :D
Halloween is killing me too. I can't wait until it's over and I can send the candy to my husband's office (like everyone else does!)
I think the snakes would have given me a heartattack. ICK.
Well, the good news is with cooler weather those reptiles will likely be much more dormant or sluggish. Watch out for piles of leaves, especially in sunny spots. Good thing you guys were running together, just in case. Still, pretty scary stuff!
Mendy and I ate at Panera the other day, and I had a bread bowl of their (incedentally vegetarian) Fiesta Corn soup, and it was fantastic! I highly recommend, if you are in the mood for something like that.
What my wife does not mention is that they both were Copperheads. Whe she told me to "just go around them"...the first thing I thought to myself was "This snake may be going away from other snakes OR going toward other snakes". I choose to stay on the path and use the "ancient rock throwing technique".
Oh boy, those snakes would have scared me for sure!! It seems to me that from Halloween through Christmas it's a big downhill slide with the candy.
I was just going to ask . . .what about poisonous snakes, and your husband cleared that up. You're CRAZY!! LOL But crazy is a good thing . . .
26 miles for the weekend...wow!!!
I struggle with eating after a long race...like I've done alot of them..3...but still I notice I want to eat any and all that is within arms reach....so don't go to lunch with me after a long race....
Hope your runs went well...left a comment on your post about the energy food....
Robin Said:then enjoyed a sandwich with my hubby at ABC Bread Company before heading home for a nice hot bath.
Hot bath?? noo ICE bath, OK just kidding SAVE them for ur 50miler :-)
friggin SNAKES freak me out...I saw a snake UNDER a dock and with wood in between and I still jumped--LOL
there was the JUNGLE Marathon that was just run in Brazil (100km or 200km) NO Friggin WAY Would I EVER run through a JUNGLE & Chest High Swamps... INSANE!!!!
Be careful & I am weak on that junk food thing also, that's why I can't BUY it...
and the Halloween Candy that I bought I had to bury in a box in the closet with boxes on top SO If I go get a piece of candy I feel like such a loser DIGGIN though boxes for candy, umm I did it twice so far--LMAOOOOO
That's crazy about the snakes! Ouch... how close. Those copperheads are bad news. My dad got bit by one in our garden when I was a youngster. I still remember that! My parents were fighting and I ran to tell my mother that he'd been bitten by a snake and she said "Oh well"... too funny, (now).
Nice runs btw, meant to mention that. Let's get together soon? Let us know what a good time is for you.
junk food is what fuels me. chocolate chip cookies - and chips - are the main reason i run.
Snakes always get my heartrate going! LOL I have stepped on so many of them walking home from school when I was little :X
Nice job on the run :)
"What my wife does not mention is that they both were Copperheads." Double yikes!!
Great job on the run, and have fun this weekend! :)
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