A weekend filled with time trials, sprinting, and flat out racing makes for some tired legs. Still, I would have gotten on my bike on Monday and turned my legs inside out all over again. Too much fun to want to stop!
One HUGE thing for me this past weekend was realizing that I LOVE racing. Last year was a total failure in that area for me. Even after doing a few series races I never really feel into it. I did not get the strategy part of it and did not understand the role I was best at within the races.

Sunday our team spent the day applying these new skills and putting them to use in some simulated races. What I learned it that my role is that of a work horse. I am not a sprinter. I will trash myself to help advance another teammate for the win. Several times I felt as if I were about to blow my legs up but then we would surge again…and again. Loved…loved ….loved it.

So dragging my tired butt to work on Monday was totally worth being on the bike with these girls the entire weekend. I am one lucky girl!
Now it is Tuesday and my off/rest day is over. Time to get back to training for this Ironman. On tap….. swim, bike, run …..repeat. No one time for any more rest. Time to get focused all over again.
Nice, we share the same responsibilities on our teams, domestiques rock, all the work, none of the glory
AWESOME! Sounds like you got so much out of this weekend!
if sprinting is your weakness, then get on it :-) of course, you won't need that much for Ironman. I, at least, have moved my pedals from the plastic bag on my closet shelf to the kitchen counter. Next stop, the bike!
It's all just a lot of pain and misery until you find your place, and understand the subtle tactics that wins races. Then it's pure poetry. If at all possible, find a DVD set with the complete Versus coverage of the 2009 TDF - the epic battle between Lance and Contador. It's a gold-mine of wisdom and guile vs youth and strength - of sublime tactics and brilliant strategies.
George Hincapie is one of the best supporting riders who ever lived, and universally loved and respected. Take inspiration from that noble example.
Pssss, you have the potential to be a great asset on climbs if the race includes some true mtn stages.
What a great experience for you! :) And I love the uniforms! :)
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